Thursday, June 13, 2019

Building Walls

I am stitching the walls with three strands of silk in the Staggered Cross stitch.   Very cute!

Halloween House Row by Melissa Shirley with stitch guide from Amy Bunger

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Roof is On

The roof is on House #5.  I used three strands of silk in the Fern Stitch.

Melissa Shirley Halloween House Row with guide from Amy Bunger

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Roofing on Sunday

This is the roof of the fifth house. I outlined the black with three strands of silk.   The fern stitch on the lower right is from the guide.  The upper shingle is my idea.  I think I will stick with the guide.  That Amy knows her business!

Halloween House Row from Melissa Shirley with guide from Amy Bunger

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Saturday Night Status Report

I have been stitching on Halloween House Row.  Here’s where we stand late Saturday night!