Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Finished but not finished

This box is kept in a cabinet in our TV/Steph's Stitching room.  It contains a big secret.
Box on my messy bed

 All these canvases have been finished, but not finished if you know what I mean.  Why?  Indecision, haven't finished the rest of the series, and forgot they were there.  I will get to work.  Hopefully, there will be finishing on the blog soon.


  1. "Been there, done that", know exactly how you feel. At least you knew you had the box, my "case" was so severe I forgot I had the box and just found "the box" when I was trying to get organized needlepoint-wise. Slowly they'r coming back from the finisher

    1. What a pleasant surprise. Will there be pictures?

  2. I've frequently done the same, but of course never in my dreams have I had this many projects to ponder. You are a stitching wizard! Love the Queen of Hearts. Whose design?
    Will be in touch soon to make a date........Sarah

    1. The Queen of Hearts is Petei. Sadly, she is retiring immediately due to ill health. Probably not available anymore. Call us soon. Can't wait to see you.

  3. Hi Steph,

    Just found your blog from your comment on Needleartnut's (NC Pat's - formerly of NC) blog.

    I see that you are a fan of Heartstrings designs also! I call myself the President of the Heartstrings/Pat Thode fan club! LOL!!!

    I'll be back as I want to start with your first post and read through your blog and enjoy the pictures along the way. :-)


    1. Glad you found your way here. I will be Vice President. I love Heartstrings and you will see a lot here. Have a great day.
