Friday, August 17, 2012

Village Scene by Ewe and Eye

I am trying out grass stitches for the hill behind the stone barn.  These are all from Stitch Landscape which is a fabulous book.   

Too large?

Too woven?  and too vertical?

In perspective

I don't think any of these stitches are the right one for this area, but nice to know what they look like.  I will keep trying.  Again, God bless the stitch guide writers.    This is not easy.


  1. Hi Steph, I clicked back to yesterday's post and I like the stitch you used on the grass or field underneath or behind the Inn's "A". Could you reuse that stitch?

    1. I love that stitch, too. I am trying to use different ones to show off the hills. It worked to great effect on my canvas The Lawnmowers. I will keep trying.

  2. I think you are being too hard on yourself. I like the first one and I don't think it's too big. Kind of airy so then your trees will come forward when you stitch them.

  3. I like the first one as well. And yes writing stitch guides is a tedious process and I have only done it for the bells and for myself so far.

  4. Okay, another two cents! I like the first one, because your eye will settle and then see everything in the hills rather than seeing the hills and not all of the pretty things in "those thar hills". Does that make sense?

  5. I agree that the first one looks great. Amy sent her stitch of the month with my Ewe and Eye that was several variations on grass. I don't know now where I put it but it was more for clumps of grass rather than yards.

    Stephanie, you are doing a great job--don't put yourself down. It looks like you had a stitch guide.

  6. You know, God invented basketweave for a reason. Sometimes simple is the best choice, particularly for less important areas. I'm not saying tent stitch your hill, just that you can repeat stitches in various areas or use the basic tent stitch successfully. What matters is the overall look and what you want to emphasize and what is not important. I hope this helps.

  7. I'm with Jane, I'd keep it simple and tent stitch it. The I'd use French Knots for the trees to bring them forward

  8. It all helps! You girls are the best. It has been fun just trying all the stitches. It may not work here, but it is fun to know how it will look.

  9. Having computer issues, but caught up on these tonight. I'm impressed with how you test out different stitches and threads for various areas. You are truly an artist.
    Fingers crossed for some of that rain tonight. ;-)

  10. I kind of like the diagonal stitch that comes away from the door of the blue house, but think maybe less strands would be worth trying. Another thought is a plain old vertical double brick stitch.
