Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Time for Christmas Carols

Lamp post

Lizzie Dorit

Emily Bristol

Bristol Twins

Reverend Chester Smalley

Mr. Wickworth

Mrs. Wickworth

 This is a series from Heartstrings.  Don't they make you feel like breaking out in a carol?


  1. Oh my! Love these and have just placed an order for all 13 of them from my favorite online needlepoint store enabler. You have also inspired me with your Ewe & Eye house designs so I have a few of those winging their way to my door as well. Can't wait to see how you finish yours!

    1. Wow! Glad to be so helpful! You will love the Carolers. They stitch up quick.

  2. I love these Step! You are a master enabler that's for sure. Do you remember the thread you used for the background.

  3. Love the consistent backgrounds! Ditto the question about the fiber used

  4. I remember that it is an overdyed Impressions, but not the number. They all come with stitch guides so if you are interested, you will get the correct number.

  5. OK, I have to get myself over to see all this goodness up close and personal. I'm calling you tomorrow! ;-)
