Monday, April 22, 2019

I Knew There Was One More

I do have one more Diane Ulmer Pedersen from Painted Pony.  I call this one The Village.  I have started the church with a stitch suggestion from my last Rent Amy Day.  This beauty will be headed back to Memphis very shortly to get some more stitch suggestions.   Fun days ahead.  


  1. Dear Steph, I just found your blog and read through several older posts. I found it to be interesting even though I don't do painted needlepoint canvas; I am mostly a cross stitcher and I have done some counted canvas work which to me seems to be somewhat similar to what you are doing. I love all of the canvases that you are working on and have finished. I think it is always fun to looks at what other needleworkers are doing. I watch a lot of Flosstube on Youtube where hundreds of needleworkers share their projects. It is so fun. Looking forward to more posts from you. Happy stitching.

  2. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the kind thoughts.
