Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Progress on the Thanksgiving House Roof

Stitch along each side of the peak

Overview of stitch
The last post showed me starting to stitch these stripes.  It is an overdyed Kreinik that is used and it looks great.  Below is at shot of where I started Tuesday morning at 9:30am.  You can see that I have about 5.5 rows with the medium gray stitch in and more of the outline stitch to do on the top part of the roof.
0930 on Tuesday morning

Three hours later I have finished all the outlining and filled in that sixth row with the medium gray.  Needlepointing is not for the impatient.  Time for a lunch break.

1230 on Tuesday afternoon
Slow and steady like the tortoise.


  1. Hi Steph,
    You go girl. You are almost at the finish line..

  2. Turtles never finish last. This is looking wonderful.

  3. It looks beautiful! You are nearly done! Go Steph go!

  4. Thanks! The cheerleading helps so much.

  5. It is looking good and you have come a long way in the last week. I don't think I could stick with it that long. Keep up the good work.

  6. beautiful! can't wait to see what you accomplish today!
