Thursday, July 19, 2012

Warning-This post contains graphic images

Sad, but true

Remember how this looked last night?  Here's how it looks at 8:20pm tonight.  The painting of the shingles was off by two threads.  When I got down to the bottome row with the medium gray is when I noticed it.  I tried to live with it, but that lasted all of five minutes.  Out it came.  As crazy as it sounds, I feel much better now that it is out.  Keep an eye out for the restitch.


  1. Oh my stars! Whoever painted this incorrectly should be made to restitch this for you! There must be justice! Is the moral of the story here that we have to check the painting to be sure it is right?

    1. Thank you for being indignant on my behalf. I am not as upset as you would think. I enjoyed the stitching time and will enjoy it again. Lesson learned here is that, yes, you do need to count if you want the two sides to match. xoxo

  2. OMG! Another reason I love your are a ripper just like me! Have you heard if anyone else has had this issue?

    1. Yes, I am a ripper. I tried to live with it, but the canvas is otherwise so perfect and the guide is so wonderful and I am a complete nut when it comes to my needlepoint. I did message Melissa Shirley and she offered to make it up to me in a big way. You can always tell the true color of a person or business by the way they handle a problem. Melissa Shirley is true blue. What a generous and kind person.
      Yes, there are two others who have finished the shingles and were off. They can live with it. They are not OFF like me.

  3. I'm with you on the ripping - sorry about that. Love your blog.

    1. Me, too, but I felt so much better once it was done. Thanks for following the blog.

  4. Your post just helped me make my decision. I will stitch a Melissa Shirley canvass at Tony's class.

    1. I'm with you, sister. I am definitely getting a Melissa Shirley canvas for class. That lady is all class.

  5. there is something almost cathartic about ripping out. i hope you went xena warrior princess with that canvas! can't wait for the re-stitch...

    1. I sure did go all warrior princess on it. It is very cathartic. Like a good housecleaning.

  6. OMG! When I first saw the picture, I thought your cat child had gone crazy while you slept! I'me so glad for his sake and for yours that you did that and it was actually on purpose. My friend has a saying, "If you can't see it from a galloping horse, it's OK." Well it will be perfect when you finish it.

    1. That cat better be glad she didn't do this. She knocked over a table the other night and has been on probation ever since.

  7. Oh, not fun at all! Been there done that myself. It will look fabulous when you are done. See you for Friday lunch.......Sarah

  8. Ripping=Short Term Pain; Long Term Peace of Mind. Good for you. Hope you will be able to return to this piece quickly. I, too, enjoy your blog!

    1. Judy-You hit the nail right on the head. Five years down the road, I knew I would hate it that I didn't take it out now. Crazy, but that's me.

  9. I agree with your decision to rip. it would have bothered me too. Will you repaint the shingles or will you stitch over? I've had similar problems (just not as bad) and have painted over with some acrylic paint. I know you are supposed to use a Krylon spray to seal the paint, but you can't do that if you have stitches in the canvas. Love reading your blog :-)!

    1. I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it. Maybe use an Identipen to cover the gold?

  10. You are just like me. I would not have been able to live with that either. I just did some ripping out and restitching on my Ewe & Eye flower canvas. Although what I ripped out and restitched would not have been caught by a non-needlepointer, "I" just could not stand it, not for the time and money we all invest in canvases and threads and whatnot.

    1. You are so like me. I knew down the road I would hate myself. I am so easy about other stuff, but not my needleopoin!

  11. You did the right thing pulling it out. I feel like I have been doing more "ripping out" stitches than stitching, but you are right, when it is off, it's off, and even though nobody else would probably notice, you would and it would drive you crazy. I was so frustrated today pulling out threads on a Ewe and Eye Monogram canvas, I knew I had to walk away.......eating a delicious Blue Bell fudge bar helped! :)

  12. Rats! You are due a lucky break (or six) to make up for this.

    1. Yes! Although I got through the Neon Rays on the light green stripes with very little problem. Many others seemed to struggle. I guess it was my turn. The roof is going to the end of the line for now. I have 3 Christmas things that are front and center for now. Working on your angels?
