Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shelley Tribbey Thanksgiving Angel

For the dress, I used the stitch recommended by the stitch guide but dropped it back to three strands of silk.  I stitched the tablecloth at the bottom.  Today I will fix her hair and then she is going to the finishers.  I hope she will be back in time for Thanksgiving of 2012.
New Dress

Melissa Shirley's Thanksgiving House
Speaking of Thanksgiving, Colleen constructed this 3-D model of the Thanksgiving House.  Isn't it wonderful?


  1. Hey, I'm getting my hair "fixed" today, too! Hope the Thanksgiving lady and I look great.

  2. She looks lovely Steph, well done.
    My hair need some fixing......have to find time. Maybe I should make a stop at Chilly Hollow

  3. We all need a new hairdo. I know I do. Thanks for stopping by.
